Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My lost Love

10lbs lighter and 2 months into my new "healthier eating" diet/life style change I learn that all my health food is starting to kill more than just calories and fat!

I can now kiss my favorite food goodbye! Pho! Oh Pho how I loved your abundance of noodles and your thinly sliced strips of beef!

But now I can no longer stomach Pho. Saturday Joseph and I went to try to treat ourselves just to find out that my body rejected even the thought of consuming that bowl of carbs and sodium. After two bites (the second one forced) I gave up desperately wanting a salad and fruit to show up instead.

Is being healthy worth the loss of joy in food?


  1. NOOoooooo!!! Say it ain't so!!! PHO is off the hook!

  2. Of course, you are right at "Is being healthy worth the loss of joy in food?" I am also agree with the same..
    Keep it up.. and go ahead..

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