Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SUCK IT 6.4 MILES! (tuesday's workout)

That's right, I said suck it! That goes out to all the concrete, hills, bugs, sunshine, heat, and my knee that tried to keep me from making it to the end of Lake Murray's (one way) 3.2 lake side trail! Suck it I made it! HAAAAaaaaaaaaaaA!

Sure it took me 2 hours! Lol but that not the point here people. Sure I had to slow the pace sometimes from my 80year-old feeling hip, but again we are gonna focus on the fact that I finished!

What's that? I sore?... Well lets just say that I used icy-hot as lotion this morning! ..but again I FINSIHED!!!

Thanks Ciara and Ivette for walking with me, and Kim for the encouragement!


  1. 6.4 miles in workout. Don't you think its tough. I am also do everyday workout like this. I love morning walk you know. I walk near around 7.5 miles in just 1 hr.
    sporting venues
